About Us
Our Leadership Team
The Leadership Team is a group of individuals from across the state who steer the overall direction of the network.

How we got started
OPT-in builds on three years of collaboration by key stakeholders committed to increasing postsecondary enrollment and attainment among young people who have been involved in the child welfare and/or juvenile justice system in Iowa. This group of stakeholders formed the OPT-in Leadership Team upon receipt of Local College Access Network (LCAN) grant from Iowa College Aid in SFY 2021.
Collective Impact
The Collective Impact Framework is a form of multi-sector collaboration that has proven successful in addressing complex social and environmental challenges. OPT-in uses this framework to address Iowa’s need for strategic statewide systems change in the area of youth who have been in foster care and their access to and success in postsecondary education.
Collective Impact identifies five distinct conditions for social change:
The OPT-in network brings together experts in the fields of foster care and education to collectively define the problem and create a shared vision to solve it. OPT-in’s goal to increase postsecondary credentials among youth who have been in foster care supports Future Ready Iowa’s efforts to have 70% of Iowans with education and training beyond high school by 2025.
Partner organizations agree to track progress in the same way, which allows for continuous improvement. A shared measurement strategy, tracking collaborative efforts, will be established.
Each partner in the OPT-in College Access Network plays a role in the postsecondary opportunities and success for youth in and alumni of foster care. As a part of the network, partners agree to coordinate collective efforts to maximize the end results.
In order to build trust and relationships among all participants, the network is prioritizing continuous communication through the development of various networking activities
As the collective impact backbone organization, CCDC provides a team dedicated to orchestrating the work of the group. This includes the OPT-in Coordinator, who promotes and executes the overall strategic direction of the network, and the Fiscal Agent, who administers the network budget and resources.
The work of OPT-in continues to be supported in large part by Iowa College Aid grant funds. Iowa College Aid provides funding, training and technical assistance to develop LCANs around the State of Iowa. The Central City Development Corporation (CCDC) serves as the fiscal agent for the OPT-in Network.
Strengthening Polices for Foster Youth Postsecondary Attainment. Education Commission of the States. October 2016.
Our Partners

Financial Support

OPT-in Fiscal Agent
National Connection

Fostering Academic Achievement Nationwide (FAAN) is a nationwide network focused on removing barriers and increasing support for students with experience in foster care pursuing higher education. Members of the FAAN network focus on sharing learning and promoting best practices in policy and programming to improve the field of foster care and higher education.
OPT-in Materials
Scholarship Opportunity

Richard & Linda Harrell
Richard and Linda’s greatest desire while serving as foster parents was to ensure that those children placed in their care would not have to be concerned about having to move from placement to placement. Learn more