Iowa College Aid
Iowa College Aid
The application is open for the 2023-2024 school year.

Students can now apply for the Education and Training Voucher (ETV) and the All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship (AIOS)

Planning to attend college next year?

Jump start your educational journey by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®).

Iowa Skilled Trades
Iowa Skilled Trades
Not ready for college?

Iowa Skilled Trades may have an alternative for you. Learning a trade can offer you personal fulfillment, high salary potential, and job stability.

Grants & Scholarships
Grants and Scholarships
Need help paying for college?

Iowa offers numerous options to help cut out-of-pocket expenses for your education - many that you do not have to pay back!

Achieving Maximum Potential (AMP)
Achieving Maximum Potential (AMP)
Want to get connected?

AMP is a statewide group that seeks to unleash the full potential for personal growth among foster and adoptive youth, age 13-21, in Iowa.

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Iowa College Aid
The application is open for the 2023-2024 school year.
Planning to attend college next year?
Iowa Skilled Trades
Not ready for college?
Grants & Scholarships
Need help paying for college?
Achieving Maximum Potential (AMP)
Want to get connected?
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The OPT-in College Access Network for System-Involved Youth

An initiative that seeks to increase the number of youth, who have been under the supervision of the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, that earn a post-secondary credential including college and trade schools.

Opt-In Presents:

 “Community Resources”

April 8th, 2025 @ 11AM-12:30PM

Transportation continues to be a major barrier for young adults wishing to embark on a post-secondary career path.  Join us as we hear from providers, you may not have considered before and how to access a variety of supports specifically designed to promote career pathways.

Guest Presenters:

Iowa Workforce Development

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Guidance on resource mapping, managed care organizations…

and more!

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Our Goals

Utilizing a collective impact framework, OPT-in will impact systems-level change to ensure that these youth have the necessary supports, resources, and opportunities to achieve their postsecondary education goals.

By 2025, OPT-in College Access Network will work to increase the number of youth formerly in foster care who:

High School Completion

Have a HS diploma or equivalent

Goal by 2025

Postsecondary Attendance

Attend postsecondary by age 19

Goal by 2025

Postsecondary Persistence

Received ETV and return for 2nd year

Goal by 2025

Learn more about what's happening

Meet Leticia Aossey

Laticia has dedicated her life to overcoming the statistics and stereotypes placed on foster kids. She spent a total of ten years in Iowa's foster care system which included moving 18 times and switching schools 14 times. Laticia defeated the odds by graduating high school early and going on independent living at age seventeen, then participating in Iowa’s Aftercare program. She graduated from Capella University with a Masters degree in Social Work in December of 2022. She is currently working as the Program Operations Manager for Iowa’s foster care youth council, known as AMP, and as the Cedar Rapids AMP Facilitator.

Social Worker of Excellence Award

Kimberlee Gregory was recently awarded the Social Worker of Excellence Award by the National Association of Social Workers.

Creating Supportive Work Environments for Youth With Foster Care Experience

Sup­port­ive Work Envi­ron­ments for Old­er Youth, a new tool kit fund­ed by the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion, helps work­force prac­ti­tion­ers and child wel­fare lead­ers advo­cate for young work­ers. It offers guid­ance on how to encour­age employ­ers to cre­ate more sup­port­ive work envi­ron­ments for young peo­ple with fos­ter care experience.